NHS England’s data protection officer statement regarding cyber-attack

We are aware that a cyber-criminal group has published stolen information following a cyber-attack on Synnovis, a laboratory that processes blood tests on behalf of a number of NHS organisations. We understand your concern. This is a live situation, and we are working alongside Synnovis to understand the data that has been stolen. We currently don’t know if or who may therefore be impacted.

There is a central website that will be updated with new information as soon as it becomes available where answers to a number of frequently asked questions will be published. Please go to www.digital.nhs.uk/news/synnovis-cyber-incident for more information as our website may answer your query.

The National Cyber Security Centre has guidance on keeping yourself cyber secure. There is a link on our website to www.digital.nhs.uk/news/synnovis-cyber-incident. Also, the helpline, 0345 8778967 is up and running and will be running over the weekend but in the first instance please look at the website for information that may help you.

Further information and FAQ’s can be accessed via the link below. Synnovis cyber incident – public questions and answers – NHS England Digital.